Saturday, 11 May 2019

Alice Morgan 1900 License prosecution or persecution?

In a re-visit to our wonderful resource Trove  this morning, I found yet another Licensing Prosecution for my 3rd great-grandmother, Alice Morgan at the Cross Keys Hotel.

Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tuesday 20 February 1900, page 7

At the Footscray Police Court yesterday, before Mr. Keogh, P.M., Messrs. D. Mitchell, J. Cuming, and J. M'Phee, J.P.'s, Florence Horan, licensee of the Junction Hotel, at the intersection of Bunbury and Whitehall streets, was proceeded against by Inspector M'Gann with a dual breach of Section 129 of the Licensing Act, which forbids the acceptance for spirituous liquors of any pay-ment except money. Mr. Field Barrett appeared for the defence. On January 22 and February 9, a girl, aged nine, member of a family resi-dent in Bunbury-street, took to defendant's hotel each time a glass dish, which she gave to the licensee, who on the first occasion supplied the
girl with beer, on the second occasion with rum. The defence was that the articles were purchased by the defendant. Mr. Keogh, P.M., in an-nouncing his decision, said that in the opinion of the Bench the case had been fully proven, and the defendant would be fined £2, with 10/ costs, in the first instance. In the second case, in which practically the facts were the same, Mr. Keogh offered the opinion that the case was very gross, and inflicted the maximum of £10. Application was made for time to pay, which was acceded to. In the first instance a week was allowed, and in the second six weeks.
At the Essendon Police Court yesterday, before Messrs. Davies, Hollick, and Wilson, J.P.'s, Alice Morgan, of the Cross Keys Hotel, North Essen-don, was charged with having her bar door open
on Sunday, 4th inst. Sub-inspector Irvine prose-cuted, and Mr. C. J. M'Farlane appeared for the defence. On the date named the police on Sun-day duty visited the hotel. They gained admit-tance to the bar door in question through the licensee's bedroom, and found it only secured by a button, another door leading to the bar, which was the only one used for that purpose, being se-curely locked. The defence was that the offence was only a technical one, and since a proper lock, as provided by the act, had been placed in the
door. A fine of £5, with 7/10 costs, was im-posed.

LICENSING PROSECUTIONS. (1900, February 20). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 7. Retrieved May 11, 2019, from